ตอบกลับ: Top Five Copper Producing Countries

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รายการย้อนหลังของกระทู้: Top Five Copper Producing Countries

แสดงรายการย้อนหลังสูงสุด 6 โพสต์ - (ล่าสุด)
26 ก.ค. 2023 13:20 #819297



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During the Roman and Medieval times, copper smelting was a major source of pollution that had a lasting impact on the environment and human health. This is evidenced by recent research that found traces of ancient copper smelting pollution in Greenland ice cores dating back to the 1st century AD. The study, published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, analyzed ice cores from two locations in Greenland - the NorthGrip and NEEM sites. The ice cores contained layers of sulfur and copper pollution that could be traced back to specific periods of history. According to the study, copper smelting pollution was most prevalent during the Roman and Medieval periods. During these times, copper was a highly valued metal used in various industries, including coin minting, architecture, and weaponry. The smelting process involved heating copper ore, which produced large amounts of sulfur dioxide gas and other pollutants that were released into the air. These pollutants were carried by the wind and eventually settled in the ice sheets of Greenland. The study found that the levels of copper and sulfur pollution in the ice cores were highest during the Roman and Medieval periods, and then declined gradually over time. The impact of copper smelting pollution on the environment and human health was significant. The study notes that sulfur dioxide can cause respiratory problems, especially in those with pre-existing conditions such as asthma. Copper pollution can also lead to neurological and cardiovascular problems, as well as damage to the liver and kidneys. The study provides evidence that ancient copper smelting pollution had a lasting impact on the environment. The researchers note that the decline of copper smelting pollution in Greenland ice cores occurred around the time of the Industrial Revolution, which saw a shift towards cleaner energy sources and improved environmental practices. Overall, the study highlights the importance of understanding the historical impact of human activities on the environment, and the need to continue to strive towards sustainable practices and cleaner technologies Copper scrap industry Copper scrap sorting and grading

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